Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The most expensive photo in the world!

So, it has come to my attention that I have been rather neglectful of my blog. I plan to change that this weekend and try to get things up to date!

I thought I'd throw out an interesting little tidbit to get things rolling.

German photographer, Andreas Gursky, is the current record holder for producing the most expensive photograph at $4,338,500. And here it is.....

Rhein II, 1999, C-print mounted to plexi, 81 x 140" (6.75' x 11.6')

Photographing "large, anonymous, man-made spaces" Gursky prints and presents on a massive scale, which creates an encompassing presence, transporting the viewer.

99 cents II Diptychon, 2001, C-print mounted to glass, 2x 207 x 307 centimeter (I'd convert this to inches but I don't like math)
This was sold for $3.34 million on February 7, 2007 and was the record holder for most expensive photograph until Cindy Sherman's Untitled #96 sold for $3.89 million in May 2011.

Untitled #96, 1981

Of course Gursky before there was Gursky or Sherman their was Edward Steichen's "Pond -- Moonlight" which sold for $2.92 million in February 2006 (on a side note I really dislike the way February is spelled!).

The Pond -- Moonlight, 1904

So it goes like this:
Gursky - Rhein II, 1999 = $4.33 million
Sherman - Untitled #96, 1981 = $3.89 million
Gursky - 99 cents II Diptychon, 2001 = $3.34 million
Steichen - Pond -- Moonlight, 1901= $2.92 million

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